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CISR Commercial Casualty II

April 29, 2025 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM (EDT)


One objective of this course is to clarify who is and who is not an insured in specific situations as defined by the Business Auto Coverage Form.

This course, like Commercial Casualty I, expands your ability to have a confident relationship with your commercial customers in the area of commercial casualty exosures and coverages.  In Commercial Casuatly II, the focus is the Business Auto Policy, the Workers Compensation Policy, and Excess Liability Policies.  You wil improve your understanding in each of these vital areas.


  • Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability
  • Introduction to Business Auto Coverage
  • Excess Liability and Commercial Umbrella Policies

Those who completed the Insuring Commercial Casualty Exposures course (which was available prior to Commercial Casualty I and Commercial Casualty II), may choose either Commercial Casualty I or Commercial Casualty II as part of their five courses to earn the CISR designation, but not both.


Optional Q&A session from 3:45 - 4:15 pm (following the webinar) for persons working on the CISR designation.


Live Webinar

Michael Haynes-CIC,CISR,CRM



Contact Information

Name: Carol Throckmorton
Phone: 804-486-4219

Instructor: Michael Haynes, CIC,CISR,CRM

This course is approved for 7 PC CE credits in Virginia.

State CE credit is approved in all states. To determine specific credits for your state go to the CE Guide.

Exam: Optional Q&A session from 3:45 - 4:15 pm (following the webinar) for persons working on the CISR designation. The 1-hour optional exam opens at 4:15 pm at the close of the webinar. It stays open through Thursday at 11:59 pm CENTRAL time the following week. The exam is not required for CE credits.

Webinar System Requirements: Reliable internet connection and working speakers. No microphone or webcam is needed.

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{{ vm.EventInfo.ErrorMessage }}

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Exhibitor Opportunities

Name Price Att Qty
{{ et.Name }}
{{ et.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ et.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Attendee Registration Options Total Remaining: {{ vm.EventInfo.VacantSpotsPerEvent }}

Waiting List Available
{{ vm.stats.totalAttendeesCount }} Registered , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} on Waiting List , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} Over Limit
Name Price Qty
{{ rt.Name }}
{{ rt.IsMemberOnly ? ' (Members Only)' : '' }}
Limit: {{ rt.LimitPerPurchase }}
Included Attendees: {{ rt.AttendeesCountPerOneRegistration }}
{{rt.Price | currency }} {{rt.PriceAfterDiscount | currency }} {{ rt.Price | currency }}
{{ rt.RemainingPerType }} Remaining
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit

{{'[[Sponsorship]] Opportunities' | localizeString:'['}}

Name Price Att Qty
{{ st.Name }}
{{ st.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ st.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Registration Information


Exhibitor - {{er.Name}}

Exhibitor #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{exhibitor.TotalPrice | currency}} {{ exhibitor.IsBenefit ? "- Included as a Benefit" : exhibitor.IsDiscounted ? "- Discounts have been applied" : ""}}
Exhibitor Directory
Primary Contact
Booth Information
Additional Information
Additional Items

Attendee - {{er.Name}}

{{ att.getAttendeeTerm(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }} #{{ att.getAttendeeIndexDisplay(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }}

Total: {{att.TotalPrice | currency}} {{att.DiscountMessage | localizeString:'['}}
A No Show fee is being assessed for {{fee.EventName}} on {{fee.EventStartLocalTimeString}}.



Additional Information
Event Sessions


{{slot.SelectedSession.SessionDescription + (slot.HasFees ? " (Price: " + (slot.PriceTotal | currency) +")" : "")}}

Additional Items

{{'[[Sponsorship+]]' | localizeString:'['}} - {{er.Name}}

{{'[[Sponsor]]' | localizeString:'['}} #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{sponsor.Price | currency}}

Additional Items


{{(vm.EventInfo.Terms.Donation || "Fundraising") + " Opportunities"}}

Campaign Name Item Description Amount
{{item.CampaignName}} {{item.Description + (item.ShowMinimumPrice && item.MinimumPrice ? " (Min: " + item.MinimumPrice + ")" : "")}}

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{{ vm.EventInfo.EventSettings.NoShowPolicy }}

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Thank you to our {{'[[Sponsor+]]' | localizeString:'['}}